Saturday, March 9, 2013


March 7:
I got up for breakfast as usual today but I almost wish I hadn’t the breakfast was pretty bad. Bread and tang. We headed out for the day to see Herculaneum, a sort of rich man’s Pompeii recommended to us by the hostel staff. It was really neat. Since it was a town for the wealthy the building were pretty large with multiple multi-room, multistory, houses. Additionally since it was covered in a different manner then Pompii in the 79 AD explosion of Pompii it was supposedly better preserved with considerable biomass still visible from the days of yore.

On our way there we had an odd encounter where a girl was following Pat and myself pretty obviously from the first metro station and apparently getting off at Herculaneum at the same time as us. She went so far as to bump into Pat while we were waiting on the train to Herculaneum. Fortunately Pat retained all his possessions through the encounter and once at Herculaneum we let her go her own way before we left the platform. It was pretty weird.

Anyways once we left the ruins we departed from a different stop (we may have taken the train there a stop too far) and never saw her again. I did manage to grab a bottle of grappa from a supermarket on our way home (an Italian wine liquor that is essentially grape vodka but is super expensive everywhere outside of Italy). Once we were home we rested and changed out of our wet clothes. The Gods had seen fit for it to not rain while we were at the ruins but to pour once we left. After a few hours of resting from our hours of walking around we eventually walked to the old city and grabbed some pizza.

It was pretty good. After dinner we were both thoroughly stuffed and went home to bed. 

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