Saturday, February 9, 2013


I set my alarm for 9:30 this morning and got up slowly. An hour later, having done my emails, I decided to wake Pat. Together we started to plan what we wanted to do while in Paris. Unsurprisingly there was much we found interesting in Paris. Monday is supposed to be the more beautiful of our days here so we plan on going to the Eiffel Tower then. For today’s activities we decided on visiting Versailles, that most famous and beautiful house of Bourbon. After finding a deal on tickets online and grabbing some food we figured out how to get there and departed.

Versailles was amazing. It may be the most lavish palace in the world. It is huge and absolutely covered in carvings and gold leaf. It’s sprawling gardens are mind blowing in scale even though, it being winter, there was considerably less spectacle then would have otherwise been involved. Regardless, the palace was less busy then it otherwise would have been. For further palace info see: , some of the animations at Versailles ended with that address and it seems pretty interesting, though it is not for the light of computing power.

Once we had toured the palace and seen a bit of the garden we decided to call it a day. It was rounding 4:30 and we had been there and walking for at least 3 hours straight. Sitting on the train ride home was a wonderful respite. Upon reaching our metro station we, with some slight difficulty, went shopping for some dinner, snacks and wine. We were both pretty out of sorts by this point. Pat had struggled to sleep last night as I had the previous one and it was dawning on us that we hadn’t had any water on our trip.

Upon reaching our hostel we threw on some tv and proceeded to demolish our recently acquired food and drink. I did my best to hydrate all the while and drank at least 2 bottles of water if I recall correctly. Then it was to bed with me. My head ached and my mental powers were alarmingly low from lack of fuel so I put on my sensory deprivation ear plugs and sleeping mask and quickly drifted off. Now it was around 7:30pm when I took my leave of the conscious realm and as you may have guessed, by the timing of this post or simple logic, I was not bound to sleep till the next morning as I so dearly hoped.

I regained consciousness around 11:30, much to my chagrin. My frustration at the hour was multiplied by my state. I had quite intentionally went to bed fully clothed and what was warm and comforting as I took my leave had added to my previous dehydration while I was away. Mind fussy from my nap I recognized my headache was now near enough full blown. The subsequent hydration attempts succeeded only in upsetting my abused stomach. Fortunately in time I was able to get the advil into me to make this post possible, even though it is so far lacking pictures.

I hear it is snowing quite a lot in Ontario so it was quite the experience to spend the day in palace of Sun King. Good luck with the snow guys.

I apologize for the lack of recent photo’s I will retroactively edit them into my posts. Does anyone know how I can get a good online photo album going that I can have in tandem to the blog. I haven’t been putting all my photos up but have been taking them sparingly. I have a few more then usual today and feel if I had an online album people could peruse I would not feel the burden of unduly overloading the blog with them. 


  1. Great diction in this post, couple visits to and your edits have been sent it.
    Now it was around 7:30pm when I took my leave of the conscious realm... I found this a very cool way to explain what happened (3 different states/places of being), and that you cared it throughout the post
    Not sure about the picture thing, will ask people tomorrow.

  2. For the photo thing, maybe instegram could work, I don't have any experience with it, and you may need an account to see the pictures, not sure. But maybe it could be uses full. If anyone know, please comment.

  3. Nah instagram is different, I think google has a thing where I can create an online album but I need to look into it more.

  4. I have also been told Flickr is good and some part of it is free
